Share my passion for anything homemade!
I am SAHM, who is enjoying her
stumbles through life, trying to be a little more self sufficient, one baby step at a time along the way! My goal is to eventually be off grid, have lots of practical skills, be debt free and living a natural life.
I am also trying to make a few pennies on the journey!




We LOVE bread and never buy shop made anymore and as I have a Kenwood (a birthday/Christmas present a couple of years ago!) this makes it sooooooo much easier to do!

Our staple bread is:

500g Strong White Bread flour (you can sub 100g wholemeal)
a tablespoon of oil (olive or sunflower is good)
a teaspoon of sugar
a teaspoon and a half of salt
7g of instant yeast (I use this one)
300ml warm water

Pop water in the mixing bowl, add yeast, sugar, salt and oil, get mixing with your dough hook on minimum as you add but by bit the flour.  Or you can just dump the lot in at the start, but I find the inside it much softer this way.  Once mixed - takes about a min - turn up a level and leave to mix for about 4 mins.

Pop into loaf pan or shape and pop on a greaseproof papered tray and cover with another layer of greaseproof paper or oiled cling film for an hour or so til nice and big.
Heat oven to 190 deg C and cook about 25-30 mins til nice and brown and base sounds hollow when you tap it. Cool on a cooling rack.



Although you might want to wait a short while so you don't burn your mouth :D

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